Fabiola Silva
My experience with Fatima has been amazing and still is. I contacted her because I had to lose 10 kg that I gain due to a problem with my thyroid. I put on that weight in less than a month of eating normally, my thyroid was completely out of range. So I asked her to help me to eat better and lose that weight, in parallel to treatment with an acupuncturist that helped me to have the regular levels of TSH, T3, and T4 again.
So Fatima sent me a delicious diet and a full new system that not only made me lose weight, it changed my life and the approach I had to food. I became a new person with new habits and a fully new way to eat and live, and guess what? It was a DELICIOUS change! I enjoyed it almost all the time, I have to be honest, at the beginning I complained a lot because it was a hard change for my habits and my pocket because when I first contact her, I used to have 4 vegetables in my fridge: tomato, lettuce, white onion, and cucumber, I used to eat those salads with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, lemon, and salt. No spices … maybe I had pepper but that was it.
So to start eating Fatima’s diet the first thing I did was to go to the supermarket to buy spices such as turmeric, ginger, cumin, and clove, and get familiar with the whole area of vegetables! As she always says: the more colorful your salad the healthier it is!
It was a HUGE change in my life, I have changed 100%. Since my weight gain was hormonal, it took me a full year to go back to my normal and healthy weight, my thyroid now is completely controlled and my body is healthier, younger and I feel amazing.
Now I just eat healthy things (90% of the time) and I just don’t feel that I am on a diet because that is how I eat now! All my meals are delicious, I eat a lot !!! is not that I have to eat small portions, I eat what I want and I am on my weight. I can even eat some not-so-healthy things and nothing happens because 90% of the time I eat good things and that 10% of extra sugar or fat doesn’t impact my body.
Thank you Fatima for this long journey that we took, thanks for your patience and for helping me to become the person I am now, and especially for teaching me to eat SO delicious every day!
Y again ... gracias Fa! love you por hacerme tu conejito de indias más feliz del planeta jajajjaja